Happy Easter!
Grandma Barb’s This and That
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Random Five Friday
It's Good Friday and temps are supposed to be in the 50's! It's been a good week too. I am joining Nancy at A Rural Journal for Random Five Friday.
1. The Ingalls family, Pa, Ma, Mary, and Laura came last Saturday and helped clean out mom's apartment. Here's a photo of them after we were done. ;0)
2. I am opening a spot at Ade's Attic, here in town, to sell mom's furniture and lots of stuff I have in my basement and garage. Probably creating more work for myself, but it will be fun. I've been wanting to do that for a long time.
3. Temps have been in the 40s and 50's the last few days and the snow is melting. It's finally beginning to feel like spring!
4. I've had my Bi-Pap for 3 weeks now and am feeling more rested and more ambitious.
5. You can teach an old dog new tricks...it just takes longer. I've figured out the newer version of Picasa. Well at least how to get my photos uploaded!
1. The Ingalls family, Pa, Ma, Mary, and Laura came last Saturday and helped clean out mom's apartment. Here's a photo of them after we were done. ;0)
2. I am opening a spot at Ade's Attic, here in town, to sell mom's furniture and lots of stuff I have in my basement and garage. Probably creating more work for myself, but it will be fun. I've been wanting to do that for a long time.
3. Temps have been in the 40s and 50's the last few days and the snow is melting. It's finally beginning to feel like spring!
4. I've had my Bi-Pap for 3 weeks now and am feeling more rested and more ambitious.
5. You can teach an old dog new tricks...it just takes longer. I've figured out the newer version of Picasa. Well at least how to get my photos uploaded!
To see other randomnous stop over at A Rual Journal
Wishing you all a Good Friday and a Happy Easter.
Thanks for stopping!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Fences and Birdhouses
The same day I was out taking pictures of the pheasants I came across some fences with bird houses.
I figured out how to upload my pictures. But it through me for a loop when I updated Picasa and I couldn't find the upload button that I was used to using.
I figured out how to upload my pictures. But it through me for a loop when I updated Picasa and I couldn't find the upload button that I was used to using.
Linking to Fridays Fences #75 at Life According to Jan and Jer.
As always, I appreciate your stopping by and your comments.
Until Next Time
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
I had four pheasant pictures that I edited in Picasa that I tried to upload here. This is the only one I could upload. I am going to link this to Wild Bird Wednesday and then I guess I will be taking a blog break because I don't have time to figure this all out. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

Update - Here are the other 3 photos. Don't even ask how they got uploaded. The problem started when I did an update to Picasa last night.
Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday
Update - Here are the other 3 photos. Don't even ask how they got uploaded. The problem started when I did an update to Picasa last night.
Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday
I'm also joining Madge at Rurality Blog Hop
Thanks for stopping. See you when I have time to figure this out.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Last of the winter barns
This is the last week of March and this is the last barn with snow that I am going to post this year. I could probably keep going with them until July but I don't think any of us want to see more snow photos. I have some other snow photos that I will post this week but then that's it for snow.
Linking to Tricia's Barn Charm 128
If you love barns, stop over at Bluff Area Daily to see all kinds.
Thanks for stopping. Have a wonderful week before Easter.
I will stop by to visit you later. So much to do, so little time.
And I need to get my header changed too.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Almost full moon in February
This was taken as the almost full moon was rising one day in February. Can you see it in this first picture?
Here's a better look.
Rising over an old silo.
Linking to Skywatch Friday
Thanks for stopping and have a great weekend.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Fence with a coil of barbed wire
In the late afternoon on a cold February day I found this fence with a coil of barbed wire hanging on the post. I like the blue shadows of the late afternoon.
Linking to Friday Fences #74 over at Life According to Jan and Jer.
Stop on over to see all kinds of fences.

Thanks for stopping. I always appreciate your visits.
See you next time
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Flower Note Cards
I'm doing more flower photos for Vee's Note Card Party. I'm so longing for the bright colors of summer.
I know many of you are having warm spring weather. But here in Minnesota it's still cold and snowy and I am in need of color.
This photo was taken at my friend's garden.
This one is my pink peony bush and my salvia plant in an old chippy chair.
Rusty old bike and my shrub roses
My Jackmanii Clematis
To see more pretty Note Cards stop over at Vee's Note Card Party
Thanks for stopping by! Have a good rest of the week.
Until Next Time
Monday, March 18, 2013
Barn with a different purpose
While I was on my way to my daughter's, I spied a big barn. As I slowed down to take a picture, I saw a sign saying "Barn Sale Today" Yay, a barn sale! So I pulled in.
The sign above the door said "The Rusty Truck"
The barn is used for an occasional sale the last weekend of every month. They had all kinds of goodies from farm theme items to furniture and everything in between. Each month they redo the whole barn with new and different things. I bought an old Brownie Box Camera which I have been looking for for awhile.
As I was leaving I stopped to take a picture of the old rusty truck at the end of the driveway. There was a car coming out behind me so this is as good as I could get it.
Linking to Barn Charm 127
Thanks for stopping! Have a great week.
See you next time.
Giving and Receiving
It's always fun to give, but it's also fun to receive. A couple of weeks ago Judith at Lavender Cottage had a giveaway and I won! It was this beautiful book "In The Royal Manner" by Paul Burrell who was the former butler to Princess Diana. It gives advice on etiquette and entertaining and has many beautiful photos, including recipes. Judith also included some other fun things including the cute tea cup stamp and a Mary Enelbreit Journal. Thank you so much Judith! The book is lovely!
It is also fun to give and without further ado I will announce the winner of my photo giveaway. The winner is #10, Dorothy at Hens Rule. Congratulations Dorothy! Please email me you address so I can get #4 sent off to you.
I used the Random Org Generator, but the number didn't stay long enough for me to get a picture of it. I guess I don't know how to do that. Maybe one of you can tell me how so I know next time.
Thanks to all my faithful followers and new followers who entered the giveaway. I'm sorry I haven't been around to visit all of you. I have been busy packing up my mom's things in her apartment as she will be living in the nursing home from now on. She has improved quite a bit though. Thanks for all you well wishes for her.
It is also fun to give and without further ado I will announce the winner of my photo giveaway. The winner is #10, Dorothy at Hens Rule. Congratulations Dorothy! Please email me you address so I can get #4 sent off to you.
I used the Random Org Generator, but the number didn't stay long enough for me to get a picture of it. I guess I don't know how to do that. Maybe one of you can tell me how so I know next time.
Thanks to all my faithful followers and new followers who entered the giveaway. I'm sorry I haven't been around to visit all of you. I have been busy packing up my mom's things in her apartment as she will be living in the nursing home from now on. She has improved quite a bit though. Thanks for all you well wishes for her.
Have a great week everyone!
Until next time.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Barn Quilt
On my way to my daughter's, I spied this barn with the bright barn quilt. The quilt looks new and really stands out on this old barn. The barn sure can use a paint job.
My mom has a quilt made with this pattern. I believe it is called flower garden.
My mom has a quilt made with this pattern. I believe it is called flower garden.
Linking to Barn Charm
Thanks for stopping! Have a great day.
See you next time
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Random 5 Friday on Sat.
1. I spent last weekend with my daughter and grandkids near the Twin Cities. I attended my grandson' band concert. He's in 7th grade. No picture of that. I also attended my granddaughter's Show Choir contest. She's a 9th grader and her group won their division.
2. I finally received my bi-pap machine after 6 months and 3 sleep studies. I'm trying to get used to it.
3. Finished reading the book Safe Haven. I enjoyed reading it but haven't seen the movie yet.
4. Celebrated my mom's 96th birthday with cake at the nursing home on Thursday and Dairy Queen with 2 of my daughters on Friday.
5. It's raining today. Does that mean Spring is near? I doubt it as the ground is still covered with snow and the rain is supposed to change to snow tonight.
2. I finally received my bi-pap machine after 6 months and 3 sleep studies. I'm trying to get used to it.
3. Finished reading the book Safe Haven. I enjoyed reading it but haven't seen the movie yet.
4. Celebrated my mom's 96th birthday with cake at the nursing home on Thursday and Dairy Queen with 2 of my daughters on Friday.
5. It's raining today. Does that mean Spring is near? I doubt it as the ground is still covered with snow and the rain is supposed to change to snow tonight.
I'm having a giveaway here. I hope you will all stop by and sign up. Thanks to Nancy at A Rural Journal for posting my giveaway on her sidebar. I'm joining her for Random 5 Friday even though it's Saturday.
Have a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by!
See you next time
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Barn, Mules and a Giveaway
Some friends of mine have been fixing up their barn. They have given it a new roof, painted it, and repaired the foundation. I stopped by one day last week to get some photos.
Below are 4 8x10 photos that I have matted to fit 11x14 frames. I will be giving one of them away. I promised a giveaway a few weeks back and I have been waiting for them to be matted. February was my birthday, my 2 year blogversary, and I reached 200 followers. All good reasons for a giveaway. These pictures did not turn out the best as the light in the house wasn't very good. The first 2 are matted with a pale yellow mat that matches the sun.
They also have 5 mules that they ride and a wagon that they use to give rides.
I liked the soft nose and the wiskers
Below are 4 8x10 photos that I have matted to fit 11x14 frames. I will be giving one of them away. I promised a giveaway a few weeks back and I have been waiting for them to be matted. February was my birthday, my 2 year blogversary, and I reached 200 followers. All good reasons for a giveaway. These pictures did not turn out the best as the light in the house wasn't very good. The first 2 are matted with a pale yellow mat that matches the sun.
This one is matted with a pale gray
The last one is matted with a dark charcoal gray. I laid a white frame over it so there was some contrast between the matt and the black paper I was using to photograph it on.
To enter the giveaway you must be a follower of this blog. Leave a comment saying which photo you would like to win. I will be announcing the winner on Monday, March 18, using the Random Org Generator.
Linking to
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week.
I'll see you next time!
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