Grandma Barb’s This and That

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Winter Sunshine

There's nothing better on a cold winter day than bright sunshine and clear blue skies.  We are having that kind of a day here in Minnesota.  I thought I would show you what it looks like when you put an old red barn with it.  This barn belongs to Susan, my daughter's friend.  I love her old barn and I have photographed it from every angle and in every season. 

I hope you are having a sunshiny day!  It really does boost your spirits, doesn't it.

This week I'm linking to

Sunlit Sunday at My Little Home and Garden

Barn Charm at Bluff Area Daily

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  I love hearing from you



My Little Home and Garden said...

Hi, Barb

It is an intriguing old structure. As you know the owner, it's so much easier to take the time you need to photograph it nicely. Thanks for linking up to Sunlit Sunday!

Carole M. said...

isn't that just the best? Perfect setting; lovely photographs Barb

Unknown said...

Lovely winterphoto and sunshine.
Marit , Norway

Jan said...

Lovely to have a glimpse of surroundings in Minnesota.

Linda said...

Lovely sunny photos of the old barn.

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Barb,

Your so right! The pictures of the barn are gorgeous!!!


lisa Moran, Bilancia Designs said...

You're making my day with all these amazing photos of barns! My absolute passion! I'm looking forward to showing you my new shop since it is inside a historic barn with so much charm! (Photos will soon follow in my blog...)
Hope you're feeling much better!! Take care...and keep these beautiful pictures coming!!!

Diana LaMarre said...

Hi Barb,
It is a beautiful old barn.

How I would love to have one of those to store my garden items and use for summer barn dinners-- have you ever seen Martha Stewart's barn she uses for entertaining? I remember her serving Thanksgiving dinnner in her barn. Of course, I could never afford to redo it in the style she did. So, for me, it will remain a romantic vision. I will just enjoy your pictures.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hi Barb
Lovely photos and I love the sunbeams in the first one.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

WOW!! I'm speechless! Marvelous pics! Cathy

Geneva said...

Beautiful photographs... I'd be tempted to photograph that barn in every season too.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

We rarely see snow here, and never as much as yours. I love snow/sun pics. I think the sun makes everything ever more beautiful.

eleven-o-one said...

Now that is gorgeous! But I am happy to see it just via photo. I won't tell you what our weather was like today...
hugs, Fran

CameraCruise said...

Gorgeous photos of the barn, love them.

Kentish Keg-Meg said...

Mixture of the sun and snow is great.

Beth said...

This is quite a beauty--tall and majestic. The snow sets it off perfectly or perhaps it sets off the snow perfectly.
Your friend is fortunate.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

nice. i love the snow & the windmill. just beautiful. i'm loving this barn. (:

Tanya Breese said...

this one's a beauty and a windmill to boot!

Jan n Jer said...

This is a real charmer...sitting there in the snow n bright sunshine! Very nice

Dianna said...

Visiting from Barn Charm. This is a beautiful old barn; I can understand why you would photograph it time and again! We seldom get snow here in Virginia -

Keetha Broyles said...

That barn is simply perfect!

I'm your "neighbor" over here in Central Wisconsin - - - but we don't HAVE that much snow, and it isn't cold over here either. What is UP with this (lack of) winter???

Michelle@Crazy For Crafts said...

Beautiful pictures! We don't have much snow in Iowa now, and I'm kind of missing it. I really like all your barn photos!

Anonymous said...

I can understand shooting this beauty from every angle possible... and so beautiful in the snow! I also really like the windmill shot!

Thanks a bunch for joining this week's Barn Charm =)

Custom Comforts said...

Wow! Now I know where all the snow is this winter. We surely haven't gotten much, but I'm not complaining. I'll take a March-like winter any day over snow. Pretty pictures.

Poppy said...

I absolutely love old barns! So cool to see your photographs, Barb. Nicely done! So glad to find you!

genie said...

What a finer series of barns _ a little windmill. I cannot pick a favorite...I like them all. Such a nice variety for us to view. genie

Ruta said...

This barn has so much rustic charm! I love the windmill and the winter sunshine!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comment on my barn entry. I must say your entry here is one of if not the best for this go-around. Using the sun in your face to your advantage really made it. Well done

Anonymous said...

What a great opportunity to photograph a beautiful barn. Love the photo of the windpump, but all of your photos are gorgeous!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, this looks like 'home' to me (Wisconsin). :)

Margaret said...

They are all very charming.. but the windmill is AMAZING.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice shots.

Regards and best wishes

Cindy Adkins said...

Barb, your photos are beautiful! It almost looks odd to see snow, though. We've had almost no snow at all so far in Ohio - I can't believe it! Thanks for your comment about my Aunt Hazel. It's so interesting to learn that you have twin daughters! My Mom and Aunt were the only twins in the family for a long time - but now I have two sets of grandnieces that are twins!
Hugs, Cindy

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Beautiful photos ! Love the Barn !