Asparagus Fern
I overwintered this. It was so huge I had to divide it. So now I have two!
My cherry tomato plant in a pot. It has lots of little tomatoes called Jelly Beans and one is starting to ripen
The Annabelle Hydrangeas are starting to turn from white to green. If I pick and dry them now they will stay green.
This is my hardy Hibiscus I planted 2 years ago. It didn't bloom last year but it has a bud now. I can't wait to see what it looks like. I have been watering almost daily.
For more lovely greens stop over at Raindrops and Daisies to see what others are sharing.

Also joining Farm Fresh Friday at Salls Country Life

Thanks for stopping. Have a wonderful weekend.
Until next time
You definitely have a green thumb. Beautiful.
So nice shots and great greenery.
Good weekend to you, Marit.
i love your huge fern! so cool!
Love your hydrangeas!! And that cool. At my other home, mine came out a pinkish brown and I would dry them. Take care, Janice
i'm not sure if i have ever seen Annabelle Hydrangeas ... wow. so beautiful. (:
All of your green things are gorgeous!! Great shots.
How exciting to have a bud on the hardy Hibiscus!
Wow, that asparagus fern looks great. The two I overwintered in the garage urns are still teeny tiny. I think everything else overtook them.
Looks like some greatness growing in your gardens! Would love it if you'd like to share with us at Farm Fresh Friday! BTW, those jelly beans are my kinda candy!
The hydrangea is huge and beautiful. I dry mine in a wee bit of water do you?
enjoyed all photos, espec. the green hydrangeas are a new tone on me....
you'll get lots from your hydrangeas by drying them Barb. You know the asparagus fern here is considered a noxious weed (if it gets into the bushland). I remember how those bulblets would explode a pot over time; pretty in the right place. Looks like your summer garden is thriving
It all looks great! I've never wintered over an asparagus fern before, I'll have to try that. Your hydrangea blooms are beautiful!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dearest Grandma Barb,
Wow, how great having these plants inyour great garden.
I thought it is interesting to know
tomato has "Jelly Beans" as a name. Beautiful hydrangea; looking forward to seeing dried, my friend.
Have a lovely weekend♡♡♡
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
I am ENVIOUS of those gorgeous hydrangea blooms! Mine are so burnt from the drought...they just got too much sun this year. The blooms never got big. BUt, we doing just fine with our tomatoes! The plants themselves di dnot get very tall this year, but they are loaded with tomatoes.
Amazing and beautiful...
A beautiful garden and gorgeous shots!
Einmal mehr ganz tolle Aufnahmen...
Lieben Gruß
I love your green stuff! Beautiful - I am anxious to see what your bud looks like fully opened! Don't forget to show us!
Your garden greens are lovely, Barb. My Asparagus ferns are to prickly to play with without my gardening gloves.
Great shots Barb- have a wonderful weekend!
Lovely shots. I have a huge Asparagus fern in a hanging basket that I have been bring in for several winters now. I should follow you lead and divide it when It comes in this year. When I do that I usually give the second one away because I only have two small windows in my house where I can put plants.
Everything looks like it's growing quite well. Those hydrangeas are HUGE! Drying them would be nice. You can use them on wreaths. I just bought my first hibiscus and I can't wait for it to open! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Oh I just love those little cherry tomatoes, most of the time they never make it to the table. Those Annabelles look heavenly. I let mine just dry on the bush and use them at Christmas on the Christmas tree, ofcourse they aren't green, more golden brown.
Great green things! I have a lot of trouble uploading your pics, as I think we discussed before, so I can't see the Wyoming Fence or most of the yard surprises! :-( I do promise one of these days when I can to get this connection problem taken care's worse on some people's blogs than others. Love your tomatoes, though and the fern! And the grapevine growing up the fork as well as that neat birdhouse were also visible!
I love cherry tomatoes and it's so practical to have them in a pot. They will be great for salsds when they ripen. Thanks for visiting my blog! ;)
Beautiful shots, Barb!
you sure do have a green thumb!! i enjoyed seeing your gardens!!
Your tomatoes are doing beautifully, Barb. My hydrangeas are still white and shouldn't turn green for quite a while yet, although, it's been an odd spring and summer so who knows? I hope you're having a nice weekend.
If only I had a green thumb like yours...
Looks like your garden is being very productive.
Your gardens must be very beautiful - the samplings you posted here sure are. :)
Having greens, vegetable, fruits in own yard are luxious for our city home. Envy you. Love the tiny tomatos.
I love your greens...they're so calming and serene. I wish I had a green thumb like you so obviously
Of all your "greenery" I'm very fond of the hydrangea when it's at this stage. In another life dried bundles of these for natural flower arrangements and wreaths in the winter. Loved both the collecting and making of these dried arrangements. Do you make them?
Lovely greens! I can't wait to see your hibiscus either!
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