2. The name of the blog was barbdelldesigns and my cousin Dell was supposed to be my co-author. After a year or so when she hadn't written a single post, I decided to go solo and changed the name to Grandma Barbs This and That.
3. This is the first photo I posted and nothing has changed. It looks exactly the same out the window today.

4. I really need to update the looks of this blog and hope to get at that soon. But I'm not sure what I want it to look like. Just a new fresh look.
5. It has been such a great experience and I have made so many wonderful friends in blog land. Thanks to all of you who have followed me since the beginning and all your kind comments and support. Thanks to all my new followers too. Please leave a comment so I can follow you back.
Thanks again! Love you guys! :-)
Have a great weekend and I'll see you next time.
Linking to Nancy's Random 5 Friday at A Rural Journey.
first, congrats on 3 yrs! second, i wondered about the barbdell in your url. :) third, #3 just made me laugh!
i'm so glad you are one of my great 'neighbors' here in blogland! :D
Happy 3rd blogaversary! It's been wonderful getting to know you and I always enjoy your photography. Looking forward to spring time when we can all get out and about again!
Oh Barb Happy Blogaversary I am certainly glad we found each other. Bet your sister is sorry she did not stay on the trip. Hug B
Congrats on 3 years! That's quite an accomplishment. I got a kick out of your early photo - I bet if I looked back on some older photos, I'd see that not much had changed here either.
Congrats on your 3 years!! that is great news!! i hope you will celebrate a big old bunch. i am glad you figured out how to post photos - because i sure do love them. you do great work. enjoy your weekend & take care. all the best for many more years at doing things you most enjoy!! big big hugs. ( :
Congrats on your 3 year blogging anniversary!
Well, Barb, I'd say your blog has come a long way in the 2 years since you went solo. I always enjoy visiting you and seeing your beautiful photography so keep it up. Our view here is similar - lots of snow - and cold and windy. Have a good weekend. Hugs, Pam
Congratulations on 2 yrs! I couldn't have gotten as far as I did without Linda's help. I didn't understand how to use blogger at all. It's been a big learning curve. I'm glad you kept up with it and figured out how to get a picture uploaded. Stay warm...Hugs, Liz
Hi Barb...love your blog post and isn't it amazing what we learn once we get started. I was the same way when I started blogging but trial and error...for me....lots of errors...but lots of fun and new friends too...just like you. I am thankful to be here and to have met so many new "girlfriends". So happy 3rd anniversary my blogger friend and have fun making a new pretty blog page...can't wait to see it. Hugs and have a great weekend.
So glad you decided to take that journey, Barb! (Even though it still looks the same out the window!) I love your blog - can't wait to see your updates. Keep cozy. Hugs xo Karen
Congrats on the 3 years! Good for you!
Here's to many more years in blogland!
diane @ thoughts and shots
Well, happy blogiversary! I just recently found you and I've enjoyed coming here. I'm sure whatever design you choose it will be lovely. Enjoy your weekend!
Three years - good for you. Congrats to you for sticking with it.
Fun to learn about your blog's origination - I'm glad our paths crossed & to have found it!
:) I remember joining you Barb' when it was still 'the old blog name' - always enjoy your posts and your snowy home scene is kind of beautiful from where I sit.
Happy 3rd Blogiversary and many more!
it's my first visit here from random 5 friday, so hello, & happy blogiversary! three years is a long time in blogland. for myself, I seem unable to stay under the same url.
hope you have a great day.
Congratulations Barb!
Glad you kept going.
It has been a journey right. For us all.
Happy Weekend.
Happy Blog Anniversary of #3.
Barb, happy blog's anniversary! It seems that winter doesn't want to leave you at all. Lovely picture but still a lot of snow.
Happy Blogversary! I'm sure glad I "met" you, Barb.
Congrats on three years! Blogging really is a great way to connect with people!
Congrats on your three years! I haven't changed the look of my blog either...I keep thinking about it...Have a great weekend!!
Congratulations on your 3 years blogging! I always enjoy visiting you and look forward to many more years. Take care and stay warm! We're getting some of that yucky white stuff that I see in No. 3 on Sunday.
Does your cousin blog anywhere? That's a funny story!
Congrats on three years of blogging. I always enjoy my visits.
Your header photos are beautiful! Congrats on 3 years of blogging.
Congrats on your anniversary! Love your pics.Janice
Congratulations on 3 years! I've enjoyed your photography here!
Happy Blog Birthday, Barb! I enjoy popping by for a visit.
Congratulations for blogging for three years and for sticking to it solo!
I'm not sure how long we have been friends here Barb but I always enjoy your posts. Funny about your original blog name -- that explains alot!
Hope the snow misses you this weekend!
Wow ! Congrats to you on 3 years and by the photo ~ tis winter ~ soon Spring ~ thanks for visiting ~ Happy Weekend ~ xxxx
number two made me giggle and congrats to 3 years of blogging!
Happy 3rd Blogaversary! Suggestion for changing your blog; do one change at a time. Start by adding some color. I got that advice from someone out there in blogland and it was very helpful!
Congrats on your Blogaversary. Boy, have you come a longs ways since your beginning though the snow is STILL there. Spring need to hurry up and get here. I am so tired of the cold. Here’s wishing you many more years of happy blogging and meeting new friends.
Congratulations on three years!
Congrats on 3 years - hoping to read your blog for many more - it is one of my favorites.
WoW, 3 years is awesome...i have a very similar story!!
and my look will never change as i tried once and i lost everything and spent too many days crying!!
have a happy weekend!!
I am going to have to go look and see what your first post was...I cannot remember my own. I am glad I have 'met' you...don't even know if I clicked to follow or not...I have you book marked...and always link to you from there.
Barb, congrats on your 3rd blog's anniversary! We still have snow on the ground too and more suppose to come tomorrow evening. Enjoy your weekend!
Congrats on 3 years, Barb! I enjoy your blog even though I come and go these days. Looking forward to another 3 years!
Happy anniversary! I chuckled when you said the view was the same as that first day!
These blog anniversaries seem to come round quickly.
I saw some of that cold white stuff this week - while standing looking at The Grand Canyon - remarkable to say the least!
Cheers - Stewart M - Scottsdale, AZ (and Melbourne!)
Happy 3rd blogaversary!!!
It was nice to learn something about the background of your blog. And congratulations on 3 years in blog land.
It has been fun out here or there in blogland. Glad you are still posting along. We've all learned a lot haven't we. MB
Yay to 3 years!!! I love hearing the stories about how blogs start, we got snow last night and hubby had to plow the drive.
Dearest Barb;
Oh, belated Congratulations on your blog anniversary♡♡♡ I opened mine Feb.1 in the same year. I remember how hard it was to figure out, one by one p;)
Thank you very much for your friendship♬♬♬
Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Way to go!
I laughed about the photo being just the same. :)
I visit other blogs that change their page all the time. I wish I could make myself. My header is just me. It fits the reason I started blogging and it's hard to let go of.
Glad you're along!
Parabéns pelos três anos de blog!
Adoro imagens de frio , mas não gosto de frio , se eu morasse aí, morreria congelada com certeza...kkkkk
amo o calor!
bjsssssssssssss e parabéns pelo lindo blogue!
Congrats on your three years!
Way to go on 3 years, that is great! I've learned so much and had so much fun blogging. Funny how things change and then again, not really! Barb, I've enjoyed your blog, keep it up!
It hasn't snowed here yet in England.
Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
I have made a lot of friends blogging. I call this the nice side of the internet.
I like blogging but hate messing around with the design and header although that needs to be done from time to time.
Hi Barb, Congrats on your blog anniversary. Time sure passes quick and going solo for you was the best ever. Your posts and photography are always inspiring.
Best wishes for many more fun years of blogging and friendships.
Hugs and Blessings always.
it's fun looking back at the beginning isn't it? sometimes i'll go back to some of my first posts and see the comments from some people and wonder what ever happened to them..some have still stuck around with me but some have completely disappeared :(
You have come a long way on your blogging journey! It's so fun to meet people along the way. Hope you have many years of blogging in your future :)
Isn't blogging fun! I think we all get spring fever, so to speak, and want to do something to freshen up our blogs. But what to do is always the question. Hope you enjoy lots more adventures in blogland.
Oh Barb a little birdie ("e" Lizard Breath Speaks mentioned you were under the weather. Take care and lots of HUGS xo B
Happy blog anniversary Barb! It's my third year too.
I remember when you and Dell were supposedly doing the blog together! We both started our blogs about the same time. I was looking back over one of my first posts recently...it only had two pictures...now sometimes I upload sixty pictures over to Picasa for a post (don't usually use them all but I use a lot...maybe too many now). I want to update to my blog also...I know what you mean. I love seeing your photography over the years.
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